Image Credit: WAM
Dubai: Are you a medical professional looking to move to Abu Dhabi to advance your career? If so, a new platform launched by the Abu Dhabi Department of Health (DoH) is here to help. Not only will you be able to find out the requirements for getting a medical licence to practice in the Emirate, you will also be able to search for jobs posted by medical establishments like hospitals and clinics.
‘Kawader’ is a talent attraction and retention platform by DoH, focussed on the healthcare sector in Abu Dhabi. The website allows interested applicants to register as a user and use the job board to find openings for nurses, general practitioners, specialists and other medical professionals.
On the other end, the website also enables medical establishments to contact candidates directly to discuss their application.

Image Credit: WAM
So, if you wish to start working as a clinician in Abu Dhabi, here is how you can register on the Kawader platform.
How to register on Kawader
1. Visit the website – https://adhkawader.doh.gov.ae/dohae
2. Click on ‘Sign up now’ on the right hand corner of the screen
3. Register as a professional by providing the following details:
a. Full name, date of birth, nationality and passport details.
b. Select whether you have a licence to practice in Abu Dhabi and where you are currently working.
c. Contact information, like your phone number and email address.
d. Professional information including your qualification details.
4. Upload your CV and agree to the terms and conditions.
5. Click ‘Submit’.
This will help you set up your login details.
You will then be able to sign in to the platform using your log in details. Click on ‘View and apply jobs’ on the home page to start your job search as a health professional in Abu Dhabi.
Want to know how you can get a medical licence to practise in Abu Dhabi? Read our detailed guide here.
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