The Ras Al Khaimah Police arrested 34 beggars as part of its annual Ramadan campaign against begging, which was launched in support of the Ministry of Interior’s efforts to combat begging and prevent the exploitation of children and vulnerable groups of society in indulging in negative behaviors. The beggars were handed over to the competent authorities.
Major General Ali Abdullah Bin Alwan Al Nuaimi, Commander-in-Chief of Ras Al Khaimah Police, affirmed that the efforts exerted by the agents of the Criminal Investigation Department and the comprehensive police stations across the emirate helped arrest beggars and curb the crimes committed by some of them under the guise of begging.
There are official channels for charitable work and provision of aid to ensure that donations reach those who deserve them, he said, adding that members of the society must direct their aid to the approved entities.
The Ras Al Khaimah Police, represented by the Department of Media and Public Relations, launched on its social networking sites an anti-begging campaign since the beginning of Ramadan to spread awareness about the dangers and disadvantages of begging and the importance of preserving the civilized image of the country through combating and preventing begging.