CAIRO – Kuwaiti Society for Relief partnered with Egypt’s Dar Al-Orman charity on Sunday for a deal worth USD 500,000 to provide urgent aid to Palestinians in the Gaza Strip, running the gamut from food to healthcare supplies.
The endeavor comes “in line with the directives” of Kuwait’s political leaders, which call for “amplifying” the scope of aid to the Palestinians, said Dr. Mohammad Al-Sharhan, a member of the Kuwait-based charity’s board of trustees.
He cited previous aid programs directed at the Palestinians in the Gaza Strip, chief among them an “air bridge” that carried some 500 tons of varied assistance for the Palestinians in a testament to what he described as Kuwaitis’ “historic” penchant for such humanitarian endeavors.
Echoing the Kuwaiti official’s sentiments, the chief of the Egypt-based charity Ahmad Al-Gendi said that coming to the aid of the Palestinians is tantamount to a “legal and moral” obligation, commending the efforts of Kuwaiti charities as they respond to the urgent needs of the Palestinians.
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