Dubai: Popular messaging app WhatsApp services have come back to normal after it had stopped working for many users across the world for over two hours with users across India, the United Kingdom, France, South Africa and Asia reporting issues with sending and receiving texts and videos.
Services returning in UAE
Services are returning to normal in many countries according to reports. Many UAE users have reported being able to access messages and features, including desktop application. Some users in India, Asia and the United Kingdom saying they were able to send and receive some messages and videos.
Outage fixed
The company said the issue has been fixed after users across the world reported problems earlier on Tuesday.
“We know people had trouble sending messages on WhatsApp today. We have fixed the issue and apologise for any inconvenience,” a spokesperson for WhatsApp parent company Meta Platforms said.
The company did not disclose the reason for the outage.
Earlier report:
Downdetector, a website that tracks online outages, has shown a sharp spike in the number of users reporting issues.
The website said more than 11,000 users across India had reported an outage, while the numbers for United Kingdom were at 68,000 and 19,000 for Singapore as of about 0750 GMT.
Many of the users are complaining that their messages are not getting delivered.
We’re aware that some people are currently having trouble sending messages and we’re working to restore WhatsApp for everyone as quickly as possible.
– Spokesperson for WhatsApp parent company Meta Platforms
Many users in UAE also reported the outage.
“WhatsApp is down here in Ajman also. Both PC and mobile are not working,” a user in Ajman reported.
“WhatsApp is down here in Dubai,” another one said.
“We’re aware that some people are currently having trouble sending messages and we’re working to restore WhatsApp for everyone as quickly as possible,” a spokesperson for WhatsApp parent company Meta Platforms said on Tuesday.
– With inputs from Reuters